Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Art 452 Performance Art Syllabus

Art 452 Performance Art
Professor Joseph DeLappe

Wednesdays 1:00pm - 3:45pm CFA room 207
Office Hours: TW 11:00am-12:45pm
Office CFA 158, 784-6624 (always best to reach me via email!)

Course Description:

In this class we will critically engage performance art in a combined lecture and studio environment. The student will be introduced both to the history and theory of performance art as relevant to experimental contemporary art practice while at the same time being challenged by studio project assignments.
The goals of this course includes creating a problem-solving atmosphere towards engaging in creative and critical performance art. The intent is to provide the student with the ability to work with a variety of performative ideas, processes and techniques towards the production of innovative creative production.  Through lectures, readings, discussions and the production of individual and group performances, students will be challenged to consider the shifting nature of embodiement in contemporary art.

Course Content:
This course will explore a variety of possibilities for engaging and understanding performance art in the 20th and 21st centuries.  Course content will explore numerous critical issues, concepts and practices related to contemporary performance art, these will include but are not limited to:
Private/Public, Art = Life, Spectacle, Participation, Action, Endurance, Ritual, Reenactment, Instructions/directions, Relational Aesthetics, Video and Performance, etc.

Lecture/Lab Component:

The course will meet for three lecture hours per week. Class time will be devoted to lectures, demonstrations, reading discussions, strategizing sessions and critiques. Students are required to work at minimum an additional 6 hours per week of work outside of the scheduled class times (studio production, reading assignments, etc.)

Course Requirements:
1) Attendance is mandatory at all scheduled class meetings. Unexcused absences will affect your final grade (each absence is -20 on your overall points for the class). Please arrive on time and prepared to participate in all course activities.

2) Participation in all class critiques, reading discussions and brainstorming sessions are expected and mandatory.

3) You will receive a written evaluation and letter grade for each completed performance assignment.

4) Each student is REQUIRED to attend two approved lectures and one exhibition, performance or film screening (these will either be in the real world or virtual). These will be regularly announced in class. I will provide you with a list of approved lectures/screenings/exhibitions both on and off campus and online.
You are required to write a one page critical summary of the event and two questions to ask the speaker (extra credit will be given to those who actually ask their question at the event!).


Astonish Yourself: 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life (Required, available from $6.13 used on Amazon
-Performance: Live Art Since the ‘60’s RoseLee Goldberg and Laurie Anderson (Required, available used from $17.07 on Amazon)
-Exercises for Rebel Artists – Radical Performance Pedagogy (excerpts provided)
-Performance: A Critical Introduction – Marvin Carlson (excerpts provided)
-Participation – Claire Bishop (excerpts provided)

-Reading assignments will be both online and in the form of various Xeroxed articles.

Your body.  A good pair of walking shoes. Props and other materials as needed for as yet to be defined performances. 
This course will provide the student with a working knowledge of the history and context of performance art in the contemporary arts milieu. Students will as well learn to conceive and execute works of experimental performance art.
This course will meet primarily in the Digital Media Studio, CFA 207.  We will be meeting in a variety of locations as the term goes forward.  These will include the drawing classroom in JTB and other on and off campus locations.
Performance #1                                        200 pts
Performance # 2                                       200 pts
Performance # 3                                       200 pts
Performance # 4                                        200 pts
Performance # 5                                        200 pts
Class Exercises                                          200 pts
Homework Exercises                                            200 pts
Blog/Journal                                                       250 pts
In Class Participation/Attendance                          300 pts                                                         
15 classes -  20 pts ea wk
Reviews on Lectures/Exhibits                                250 pts         
3 reviews – 83 pts ea
Total Possible Points:                                          2000 pts
2000 – 1800 = A
1799 – 1600 = B
1599 – 1400 = C
1399 – 1200 = D
1199 – 0 = F
Each assignment is based on the normal percentage grading scale: 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, etc.
If a student chooses to not turn in an assignment, the student will earn a ZERO (0) for the assignment.  NO LATE WORKS ARE ACCEPTED!
  • Grades for the critiques based on quality of work, evidence of time spent, attainment of project goals, articulation of your processes, etc.
  • Grades for projects based upon creativity, innovation, excellence, finished nature of project, original thought, conceptual properties.
  • Grades for blog/journal based on clarity of writing, quality of responses, number and quality of images, organization, composition.
  • In class participation grades based upon attendance, notes required for medical excuses.
  • Grades on reviews based on clarity of description of event, concise (1 pg) critique and analysis, original thoughts and responses.
I will meet with each of you individually at the midterm to discuss your progress in the class and provide advising regarding the Digital Media program. You will receive written comments and a grade for each project.

The “+” and “-“ system will be used for grading.

Policy on Academic Dishonesty:

"Cheating, plagiarism or otherwise obtaining grades under false pretenses" constitute academic dishonesty according to the code of this university. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and penalties can include canceling a student's enrollment without a grade, giving an F for the course or for the assignment.
For more details, see the University General Catalog.

Policy on Disability:
If you have a disability and will be requiring assistance, please contact me or the Disability Resource Center (Thompson Building Suite 100) as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations.

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